Using a GPU to Draw the Mandelbrot Set

Try mouse drag and drop, zoom, on the image

As you move the image, it is dynamically regenerated using the massive parallelism of your computer's GPU. using the OpenGL library. A GPU in a typical computer has thousands of core processors.

A point is in the Mandelbrot Set if z diverges when repetatively calculated, where:

z0=0+0iz_0 = 0+0i
zn+1=zn2+cz_{n+1} = z_n^2 + c
cc is the starting point which is a complex number

In the mandelbrot each point is calculated independently. This makes it perfect for drawing in parallel by the GPU since each pixel can be independantly calculated in the fragment shader, written in GLSL:

#version 300 es

// A fragment shader implementation for drawing the
// Mandelbrot Set.

precision highp float; // Use high precision (32 bit)

in vec4 mPosition;  //input position
out vec4 fragColor; //output RGBA color

mandelbrot(vec3 mpos)
  float x = 1.5 * mpos.x - 0.7;
  float y = 1.5 * mpos.y;
  float zi = 0.0;
  float zr = 0.0;
  int count;
  const int maxCount = 100;
  for (count = 0; count < maxCount; ++count) {
    float zr0 = zr;
    zr = zr*zr - zi*zi + x;
    zi = 2.0*zr0*zi + y;
    float a = zr*zr + zi* zi;
    if (a >= 4.0) {

  // From here on is just coloring

  float H = float(count) * (360.0/float(maxCount)); //hue, scaled betwee 0 to 360
  float S = 1.0; // saturation
  float V = 1.0; // value

  // HSV to RGB

  float C = V*S;
  float Hp = H/60.0;
  float oddPart = Hp - 2.0*floor(Hp/2.0); // mod 2
  float X = C*(1.0-abs(oddPart-1.0));

  vec3 rgb;
  if ((0.0 <= Hp) && (Hp < 1.0)) {
    rgb = vec3(C, X, 0);
  } else if ((1.0 <= Hp) && (Hp < 2.0)) {
    rgb = vec3(X, C, 0);
  } else if ((2.0 <= Hp) && (Hp < 3.0)) {
    rgb = vec3(0, C, X);
  } else if ((3.0 <= Hp) && (Hp < 4.0)) {
    rgb = vec3(0, X, C);
  } else if ((4.0 <= Hp) && (Hp < 5.0)) {
    rgb = vec3(X, 0, C);
  } else if ((5.0 <= Hp) && (Hp < 6.0)) {
    rgb = vec3(C, 0, X);
  } else {
    rgb = vec3(0, 0, 0); // Black when count == 100
  float m = V-C;
  return rgb + vec3(m, m, m);

  vec3 f3 = mandelbrot(;
  fragColor = vec4(f3.rgb, 1); // Set opacity to 1.0